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Prevention and Early Diagnosis

Non-communicable diseases like chronic kidney disease (CKD) disproportionately afflict people from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Renal illness affects more than 850 million people worldwide, a disproportionate number of whom reside in LMICs with very limited access to healthcare like in West Africa.  Africans appear to be at a higher risk for developing CKD, are affected sooner in life, and progress to kidney failure more quickly, according to recent studies.

The rapid epidemiological shift that has led to a high and rising prevalence of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, a heavy load of infectious diseases, and a genetic predisposition to CKD is partially responsible for this excessive risk.

With the proper public health measures and policies in the healthcare system, various non-communicable diseases, Kidney diseases like other NCDs can easily be avoidable.

In the fight towards Preventing and ascertaining early diagnosis of kidney diseases, we have done several kidney disease Prevention campaigns and sensitization to more than 200,000 beneficiary since 2022, Organized school to school sensitization any awareness raising to school pupils and teachers, office to office kidney health education workshops, daily social media engagement with kidney health tips, community engagement, organized free training of Kidney health ambassadors, established Kidney health clubs, launched the kidney Health Champion initiative and organised several free health screening activities of the risk factors (like Diabetes and Hypertension) to vulnerable communities, worship centers and institutions in order identify high risk people for medical follow and proper treatment.

We seek collaboration, partnership and support towards our Mobile clinic project, organizing awareness campaign, healthcare workshops and free health screening activities to aid prevention and Early Diagnosis of high risk individuals in West African Countries.

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